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I have a purpose built outbuilding with the largest single height hutches on the market. These quality, solid wood hutches are 6ft x 2ft and provide all the space your little one(s) will need to relax in and run or hop around. They will also have daily access to a large indoor or outdoor play space, depending on the weather. Animals can have grass access or can be on a paved area/indoors if they are not used to grass. Bunnies particularly enjoy free-roaming in the fully secured garden (under supervision, of course)!


Additionally, I have accommodation inside my home, which allows me to fulfil as many enquiries as I can during busy periods of the year. Guinea pigs will always be inside the house and I have large (5ft and 6ft) ferplast cages available. Guests housed indoors will get the same amount of love, attention and access to outdoor/indoor play space as those in the boarding shed i.e. lots!


Hamsters stay inside my home in their own cage. They will get plenty of play time outside their set up.


Finally, I only accept fully vaccinated rabbits (Myxomatosis, RHD and RHD2) so there's no need to worry about that!

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Accommodation: Our Services
Accommodation: Our Services
Accommodation: Our Services
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